Tuesday, 30 December 2014

My Favourite 14 Bento of Year 2014

Two more days will be the New Year 2015! Time flies and today I'll be sharing my most favourite 14 Bento for this year 2014 ^_^ Pretty hard to decide as all of the bento were made for my darling daughter's lunch break. Hopefully I can continue making them because sooner or later she will be like her brother no longer wants kawaii bento =_=" How sad......will my blog be frozen? Then I shall sing the "Let it go" songs....haha Oh well, perhaps not as I'll try making food art for their dinner plate instead ^_^
So let's see which of my favourite 14 bento below? Any one of them is your favourite too?

Each bento lists below will link to the original page. If you have the time, welcome to visit again
7) Kiki's Delivery Service

Hope you enjoy reading and thank you for your support at my FB page, Instagram and here ^_^ I'll continue and try my very best to make bento for my girl as long as she requests! I'm always there and even though my son doesn't like kawaii bento, he still has the same foods. Happy New Year 2015 in advance!

Monday, 22 December 2014

Bento2014#Dec22~Domokun Xmas

Countdown 3 more days to go and we're going to attend Christmas Vigil Mass on Christmas Eve. My kids can't wait to open their Christmas presents and I made Domo-kun stand-by and waiting.....hahaha....my final Christmas bento for this year 2014.

Here's the close up Snowman made from mashed potato (I mashed the cooked potato with fork and mixed with parmesan cheese powder/dash of salt) Punch out nori details and scissor cut out the hands. Crabstick for nose and scarf.
As for Domokun made from pan-fried potato with breadcrumbs. I shaped the mashed potato as Domokun before I start to pan-fried with breadcrumbs. I prefer less oil so I don't go for deep fried the potatoes :p After done, I just add crabstick for Domo mouth/hat and nori for eyes. 
For side dishes have broccoli, eggsheet, chicken fillets and mayonnaise for extra flavours ^_^

I hope you like this Domokun Xmas Bento & early greetings from me Merry Christmas!

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Bento2014#Dec11🍀Totoro X-mas🍀

My 4th Christmas Theme Bento 🍀TOTORO X-MAS🍀 This will be my final bento for my kids bento because next week onwards they will have a 3 weeks school break (Woohoo....equal to my 3 weeks non bento break) And school will reopen next year 2015. Oh gosh.....time files so fast =_=" Anyway, I'll post one more Christmas Bento on next week! So stay tune!
Here's the close up Totoro and this round instead of mixing with black sesame powder with rice, I shaped the Totoro body first then only add the black sesame powder on top. I got the idea from talented Japanese mum Tomomi Maruo (Tomomi Omata). I love her amazing bento art creation and if you've twitter. I recommend to follow her at this LINK. She's awesomely talented!!!
Here's the side dishes close up. Makkuro kurosuke made of quail egg and cover with nori. Eye balls made of boiled egg white/nori. My mum gave me some of her planted sweet potato leaves so I stir-fried it and pan-fried fish fillet. Some Christmas pasta as decoration.

Hope you like today's Totoro X-mas Bento ^_^ Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Bento2014#Dec10~My Melody X-mas

My 3rd Christmas Theme bento ~My Melody X-mas~ This round My Melody wears the hat ^_^ Decorate the Christmas Tree and starts count down.....ho ho ho.....
Here's the close up My Melody X-mas ^_^ To made pink rice, I mixed the rice with sakura denbu. Shape it using cling wrap and freehand scissor cut out nori for eyes & of course eyeslashes! *Sparkling eyes*  Cheese for nose and crabstick for hat!
For side dishes have pea sprout, sweet pea/carrot as Christmas Tree, stir-fried potatoes and panda chicken wrap.

I hope you like My Melody X-mas Bento too! Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Bento2014#Dec09~Panda Bento

Wish I could experience winter snow >_< Since I can't experience it so I made four pandas (mashed sweet potato) enjoy dust of snow :D My 2nd Christmas theme bento :D Actually each bento I tried to add food pick hat but due to the mashed potato little dry so it crack =_="Oh well, I removed it :(  

This bento lunch box been hiding one corner for quite long due to the limited spaces and can't fit in more foods. Since is Tuesday less food, just nice for it :D

For side dishes have chicken drumette, carrot, sauce at panda container, pea sprout and nori for details ^_^

Simple black & white Christmas theme bento :D 

Monday, 8 December 2014

Bento2014#Dec08❤Hello Kitty X-mas❤

Ho ho ho......My first Christmas Theme Bento for Year 2014 ^_^ As promised I will made Christmas theme bento for this week before my kids start their school holidays next week! Well, every year never missed making my daughter favourite character Hello Kitty Inspired by the huge X-mas hat that my girl has kept aside so why not let kawaii Kitty-chan wears hat ^_^ All in red and green theme for this Christmas Season Bento! My red Monbento lunchbox just perfect for my Hello Kitty X-mas Bento!

Here's the close up Hello Kitty ^_^ Shape the head using cling wrap then add crabstick on top. To made the hat fury, just add some rice on top after set the Kitty-chan into the bento box. Freehand scissor cut out nori details and egg sheet for nose. Also freehand penknife cut out Christmas tree (broccoli stem) that Hello Kitty is holding. 

For side dishes have broccoli, carrots, quail egg and pork fillet with breaded crumbs. Add some mayonnaise & sprinkle some parley on top for the pork fillet ^_^ 
I hope you will like this Hello Kitty X-mas Bento ^_^ Happy Monday!

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Bento2014#Dec04~Tomato Spaghetti

Simple tomato spaghetti for today's lunch and I'm using this 3-tier My Melody bento boxes (one of my daughter's favourite lunchbox). Once again limited space for decoration so I just use quail eggs for simple characters! This is easy by adding the food pick onto the quail eggs to create animals ^_^ So guess what animals base on the top photo? Hehehe.....easy right? Blue pick for bunny and orange pick for bear :D

For side dishes have broccoli, prawns and grapes. Extra tomato sauce at the sauce container.

I hope you will like today's lunch and I can't wait to create my Christmas Theme bento next week onwards! Have a great day and thanks for reading :)

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Bento2014#Dec03~Totoro vs Hello Kitty

Which is your favourite? Totoro or Hello Kitty? Making this simple quick lunch by using silicone cups to fill up two different kawaii characters ^_^ No doubt that my daughter will likes Hello Kitty compare to Totoro :D 
I use Hello Kitty rice mould to shape the rice and add nori, cheese and crabstick for details. As for Totoro is soba noodles, crabstick (white part), nori and cheese (for ears).

For dies dishes have broccoli, carrots, panda chicken and some sauce for the soba.

I hope you like this simple bento lunch ^_^ Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Bento2014#Dec02~Kiiroitori Tamagoyaki

Hang in there my dear kids although other schools had started their long term break holidays ^_^ Another week to go and perhaps I could start making Christmas theme bento next week! Today, I just cooked some fried rice and decorate with tamagoyaki into Kiiroitori.
Here's the close up Kiiroitori Tamagoyaki ^_^ Just add in the nori details and carrot for mouth. Easy right? 
Simple Tuesday lunch and as usual less food so I just add tomato, mini mandarin orange and ketchup (chick sauce container).

Hope you like it! Happy Tuesday!

Monday, 1 December 2014

Bento2014#Dec01~Keroppi Bento

Hello! My name is Keroppi ^_^ Nice to meet you :) 

Making simple bento lunch for today by using mashed sweet potato to shaped into Keroppi. The Japanese sweet potato natural colour just nice for making this cute froggy ^_^ 

Here's the close up Keroppi ^_^ I mashed the sweet potato with some butter. Roll it to made Keroppi head and body. Cut out crabstick to cover the body. Freehand scisssor cut out the nori for Keroppi details. Punch out some clover nori for extra touch up background. Lol

For side dishes have pan fried gyoza, pea sprout and tamagoyaki.

Hope you like this simple Keroppi Bento. Happy Monday!