Lunch for today's~SHEEP~ bento ^_^ I boiled some broccoli, fishballs, carrots, edamame beans and crabmeat stick. I don't cooked the rice early morning but will re-heat the overnight cooked rice :) To make the sheep, I cut half of the fishball for the face and wrap together with cooked rice. Used plastic foil to avoid stick to your hand. Before I place the sheep to the bento box, I sprinkle some fish floss at the bottom then place the sheep on top. Put the broccoli surround the sheep and deco with some carrots that I use cutter to cut the shapes. Next, I took the red part crabmeat stick and used scissor to cut the sheep ears with slightly curl shape. Noticed the eye with white spot together with black? I used the "bear shape fishcake" that can purchased from wet market. I just used straw to poke the black/white part to make it cute little eyes :P The cheeks also from the same "bear shape fishcake" (can view from Cute Kangaroo bento picture) The mouth I used nori/seaweed and to let it stay firm, I spread some kaya (less watery type kaya cause is more sticky) :D Of cause, you may used alternative ingredients. Don't have to follow exactly what I used :P Lastly, I put the rest of the fishballs, carrots, edamame beans and grapes. Just arranged it at another container.
A closer look of my cute little sheep bento for my kids :) I hope you will like this bento too! Cheers!
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