Monday 14 January 2013

Bento#Jan13~Cute Piggy

 Its Monday!! How's everyone weekend?? Hope you all have a great weekend with your family and friends :) Today lunch for my girl, I used instant mug noodles that comes with cute piggy flakes. The instant cup noodles just a small pack so I'm making two cute piggies onigiri together with inari skin.
Here is the instant mug noodles. It comes with two animals design and I'm using the piggy packet. Lovely and adorable right? 
Mixed the cooked rice with Sakura cherry powder to make it pink. I make two small balls so that can fit in the inari skin :p Add carrots for piggy nose and used puncher to cut nori seaweed for the eyes and holes. The ears just freehand cut from the nori seaweed then one piggy ears facing up and the other piggy ears facing down.
I put the soup to a small container with lid. Actually all four piggy flakes float but due to making onigiri by the time taking photo noticed it sink underneath the soup =_=" So, I took out the sinked piggy flakes and deco on top of the beancurd. Boiled broccoli next to beancurd with cute piggy picks.
 My son bento lunch having the same but without cute piggy onigiri :p Hope you all will like this simple bento lunch for my kids ^_^ Cheers! 

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