Showing posts with label NudeFoodMovers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NudeFoodMovers. Show all posts

Friday, 22 January 2016


Updating my 2nd week bento here ^_^ Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Day 1: 18th Jan 2016 Monday
Gudetama made of sunny-side up egg and I freehand scissor cut out the nori detailed. Underneath is rice and covered up by the egg, pea sprouts and pandan chicken wrapped. 

 Day 2: 19th Jan 2016 Tuesday

Happy Owl
Pink owl made of sakura denbu mixed with rice and shaped it using cling wrap. I followed the image from Owl bento cover. Side dishes have carrot flowers, spinach, chicken nugget, edamame and fish tofu.

Day 3: 20th Jan 2016 Wednesday

Girl Bento
I'm using NudeFoodMovers bento box to create this girl bento ^_^ I filled up the rice and arranged the pea sprout as hair. Freehand scissor cut out the nori for the face detailed. Side dishes have chicken curry, tamagoyaki and some grapes.

Day 4: 21st Jan 2016 Thursday

Spirited Away Chihiro

When was the last time I made Chihiro? Hmm......should be few years back :p I filled up the rice and covered with seaweed. Freehand scissor cut out Chihiro detailed and I used cheese as face. Body (red) made of crabstick. I just looked at the Chihiro picture and freely cut it out. So please do have a picture of Chihiro for the foodart but it's better result if you trace it then cut out from the baking sheet with seaweed together. So basically my Chihiro little different from the actual Google Image :D Click HERE for my older post Chihiro that I made few years back.


Friday, 6 November 2015

Bento2015#Nov06~Minions Noodles Bento

This is my first attempt making noodles foodart for bento also my to-do lists after saw many noodles/somen foodart done by my talented friends like BentoMonsters +Ming Bentomonsters , Bentodays +Jean Yap and LittleMissBento +Shirley Wong ^_^
Here's the close up Minions noodles. I use egg noodles, after boiled it, drain away the water and I add seasoning (minced meat sauce from the minced meat). Arrange the noodles into three minions and add on cucumber details. Milk cabbage for the outlines and tamagoyaki to fill up the holes along the side.
I like this Nude Food Movers lunch box because I can separate the dishes. Above the photo you can see there is another pink stand is to put on top of the minions noodles to secure them. I should snap it for packing but my older posts might have by click HERE ^_^
One container add the grapes and the other one is minced meat.

I hope you like today's Minions Noodles Bento. 

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Bento2015#Jun25~Totoro Mushroom Bento

Make another easy and quick bento for today ^_^ All you need is button mushroom to make Totoro. As you can see from the photo, I cooked shell pasta and separate the tomato pasta sauce at another container using Nude Food Movers.
Here is the close up look of the mushroom Totoro :) The white part is make of crabstick and nori details. Add some lettuce, cherry tomato roses and chicken nuggets.
Mandarin orange for dessert and bon-appetit!

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Bento2015#May27~Hello Kitty Sunny Egg

Little lazy to make character using rice so think of using egg for my Hello Kitty theme ^_^ I make sunny side up and decorate with nori details. Very simple and quick provided my sunny side up egg successful :D I can't afford to make mistake due to lack of time in the morning. Always in a rush =_=" To view how I make sunny side up egg please click HERE for the tutorial.

I mix the cooked rice with Hello Kitty furikake and add some of the mini flakes. For side dishes contain gyoza, broccoli and grapes.

Taking another shots of the Nude Food Movers that my daughter likes it with separate containers. I bought from Harris Bookstore and just my point of view sharing this lovely pink lunch box. 

Hope you like today's Hello Kitty Sunny side up ^_^

Monday, 20 April 2015

Bento2015#Apr20~Doll Girl Bento

Recently bought online mipad case for my 小米mipad ^_^ So today's lunch inspired by the cute doll mipad case. Pretty easy to make and just need to create two huge eyes for the doll :D

To make the doll, I mix some ketchup to the rice for the face onigiri and wrap nori as part of the hair. Make another two onigiri for the hair bun and body. The huge eyeballs make of kombu (freehand scissor cut out) and I add white rice as the inner eyes to make it sparkling :) Fill up the nori details for the rest of the eyebrows and body details. I didn't follow the exactly picture from the mipad case. Just modify it as simple as possible ^_^

For side dishes have pea sprouts, gyoza, two-toned tamagoyaki, carrots and oranges.

I hope you like today's sharing :) Have a lovely day!

Friday, 5 September 2014

Bento2014#Sep05~Hello Kitty Yoda

Opps....sort out my photo albums from my PC and notice this Hello Kitty Yoda have not post yet. Luckily today is Friday no bento lunch for them so I can update this bento that I made it during kids school holidays after making Hello Kitty Star Wars theme. Done Princess Leia & Trooper. In case you've missed my earlier posts can just click at the highlighted words. 
Hello Kitty Yoda made of green seaweed powder (I purchased one packet from organic shop) Freely spoon pour the seaweed powder onto the rice to made Yoda face. I add inari as the cape as well the bow. Corn for nose and nori for details.

Side dishes: chicken fillet (breadcrumbs coating), fishcake, broccoli, carrots and mini grapes.

My Hello Kitty as Yoda looks awkward right? Hahaha....well this was eaten at home so basically I'm not sure whether the seaweed powder will stay on if I pack for school ^_^ 

Hope you will still like it though :D 

Monday, 23 June 2014

Bento2014#Jun23~Badtz-maru Costume Girl

Continue my costume girl theme for Sanrio character ^_^ So what's for Monday? Moody girl in Badtz-maru costume!!! Why is she moody? Mainly because mummy the bento maker wants to sleep longer!!! hahaha...
*yawn....took me quite some time to shape the Badtz-maru head @_@

Here's the close up Badtz-maru costume girl ^_^ I'm happy that turn out well for Badtz-maru as I really took some time to shape it! Making the girl face onigiri is easy but shaping the badtz-maru spiky hair was tricky!! 
Yellow rice made from rice mix with mashed egg yolk. Badtz-maru made from rice and nori. As for badtz-maru eyes were egg white (from the hard boiled egg). Cheese for girl's eyebrows and badtz-maru mouth. Freehand scissor cut out the nori details. Red cheeks made from crabstick (red part).

For side dishes: pea sprout, fishcake hiding underneath gyoza and oranges.

My daughter likes this Nude Food Movers lunchbox and I find it easy to arrange my kyaraben character compare to smaller bento box :D Hope you like today's theme ^_^ Happy Monday!

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Bento2014#Jun05~Hello Kitty NFM Lunchbox

Yay!!! I'm so happy that my daughter's eyes getting better so she's back to school after on MC two days at home. Today I made her favourite Sanrio Hello Kitty for her lunch as well using new bento lunch box by Nude Food Makers products. I bought two different colours of NFM lunchboxes on last week Friday (Popular Book Fair) I'm surprised to see lots of NFM products selling at the book fair as I'm not sure how good is the products but the colours attracts me :D 

I'm not doing any NFM reviews but if you like to see the products can just hop to their website HERE. When my girl resting at home, I still cooked lunch and packed bento for my son and he seem to like this new NFM lunchbox. Anyway, I got him a blue NFM lunchbox ^_^

Finally my girl back to school and she's happy to bring her new lunchbox!!! I made Hello Kitty with pretty sparkling eyes ^_^ Lovely?? Hahaha..... I pray for her eyes to heal better so looks like I can't helped it to cut out pretty eyes for Hello Kitty :p 

I shaped Hello Kitty using the mould and cling wrap. Pink bow made from kamaboko, nose is sweet corn and lastly freehand scissor cut out nori for details.

As for the two side containers contain: Broccoli, minced meat, quail egg as Hello Kitty and oranges.

By the way, do you notice my Hello Kitty Rainbow Loom? I saw many of my bento friends have been sharing their Rainbow Looms so I want to join in the fun looming....especially saw 5amBento shared her Sanrio Rainbow Looms that she made. Wow!!! I want to make it too ^_^ 5am Bento also made many amazing bento creations and I'm sure some of you already know her at Instagram :)

Well, here is the final touched for packing the NFM lunchbox. Pretty & neat right? So far my son used it and he feedback to me that the rice I put was not messy and stayed nicely ^_^

Hope you like it today's Hello Kitty Lunch! Happy Thursday!