Showing posts with label Insects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Insects. Show all posts

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Bento2014#Apr16~ Bee Bento

Phew......Luckily my sunny up egg successful or else there won't be any bento posting for today! No back up plan if I fail cause I don't have extra time to redo new sunny up egg =_="

Well, I use "kampung egg" or call village egg I think :D Love the yolk colour!! To made sunny up egg can just click HERE for the tutorial by just changing the prefer mould of your choice. 

Ingredients as follows: 
  • Bee : sunny up egg or go to view my tutorial :)
  • Rice underneath, sausage, broccoli, chicken floss & prawn
  • Grapes & blueberries
 I hope you will like this simple Bee Bento for today's post ^_^ Have a nice day! 

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Bento#Oct16~Flower Blooming Bento

Today's post will be "Flower Blooming Bento" Simple and quick bento that I don't have to cooked fried rice for this bento! The brown rice was cooked rice mixed with dark sweet sauce and furikake. I just made egg sheet and transform them to flower shapes. Arrange steamed okra as stem and small okra decorate it on top of chikuwa. Beautify them with insects food picks ^_^ And you can easily make a simple lunch bento for your little ones!
For side dishes, I add broccoli, sausage cut into heart shape and Figo brands fish paste ball. Finally add few animal/mushroom picks sponsored by Bento Berries ^_^ I hope you will like this simple lunch bento and have a nice Wednesday!

What I've used:

Monday, 23 September 2013

Bento#Sept23~Honey Bee with Happy Flower Bento

~Honey Bees Bento~
Today's lunch bento theme will be Honey Bee with Happy Flower Bento ^_^ I cooked egg fried rice from leftover rice. And boiled the quail eggs for decoration as flower! This is quite a simple bento lunch, just need to arrange the food for this theme.
Honey bee head cut out from cheese using circle cutter and body freely cut out using toothpick. Punch out nori for the face and scissor cut out the strips for bee body. Cucumber as leaves. Sausages for flower petals and quail egg as flower. Below picture will be the closer look of the Happy Flower!
Happy Flower Bento for my son ^_^ Both bento have the same flowers but my girl gets huge Honey Bees! I'm glad that my 12th years old son allowed me to add the flower face features ^_^ But the bee picks & flower picks after photo takings he removed it  =_=" Oh long he brings homecooked bento to school I'm happy with it!
I hope you will like both of my bentos ^_^ Happy Monday!! Cheers!

What I've used:

monbento bentos & accessories

Friday, 6 September 2013

Bento#Sept06~Happy Garden Lunch Bento

It's Friday!!! Can't wait for the weekend ^_^ Today I'm going to post my kids Wednesday school lunch bento. I made simple lunch and just add food picks to designed as "Happy Garden" theme. I cooked stir-fried cheese angel hair pasta for lunch and cut pork chop as the fence. My sister bought some flower fish cakes for my kids bento so just nice for me to add in this garden theme.
Inside the small yellow Monbento sauce container was tomato ketchup and some grapes as well as checker apple.
I hope you will like today's simple "Happy Garden" lunch bento! Cheers!

Bento Tools:
   monbento bentos & accessories

Monday, 3 June 2013

Bento#June03~Caterpillar Lunch Bento

I'm back making/packing everyday bento snack and lunch for my kids and mostly for my daughter with design cute bento!!! So for today's lunch, I cooked macaroni with tomato paste. I add some mushroom and cherry tomato for the sauce too! For cute theme, I decided to made female caterpillar with ribbon! Haha....
A closer look of the female caterpillar ^_^ I just used three different shape of circle cutter to cut out the cooked carrots then arrange on top of the macaroni. Caterpillar eyes made of crabstick (white part) and I used puncher to punch out nori for eyeballs/mouth. Freehand scissor cut out the nori for eyelashes as well as the caterpillar legs.  To made the caterpillar body nicer, I used straw or you can used cutter to  cut out the red part crabstick.
Sweet corn, airfried the Japanese seaweed chicken, some grapes and strawberry for another container. I hope you will like this cute caterpillar design ^_^ Cheers!

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Bento#May21A~Papa & Mama Bento

Opps....I was playing with my cutter and try to create something new instead of follow. I took out a butterfly cutter and start to create by adding this and that etc....End up I kind of like this look but totally what should I name them? All I can think was Papa & Mama. Papa with beard and Mama with pretty eyelashes :p
Let's meet Papa with beard. I cut out two small square corn breads add fillings between and put to the butterfly cutter then used fingers to pressed. Add a pick to secure the corn bread and cupcake. Next steps just create the eyes/nose using circle cutter and nori puncher.
Here is pretty Mama ^_^ Repeat all the steps same as Papa except no beard but lashes! Hehe...
I hope you will like this bento snack ^_^ I showed this photo to my hubby and asked his opinion. Guess what he replied? He said: Why the butterfly eyes on top? Oh time no more playing around or perhaps stick back to BUTTERFLY :) Cheers! 

Monday, 1 April 2013

Funbites Luv iT Review & Giveaways!

Today I'm going to do FunBites Luv iT review and later will post a giveaways!! Let me showed you what I've tried on Luv iT cutter! 
Step 1: Place FunBites Luv iT cutter on top of foods. Removed the popper top and set aside.
 Step 2: Grab cutter handles on both sides, pressed down firmly and rock to cut through the food.
Step 3: Lift the cutter up, insert popper top and pop out the bite-sized pieces! Sometimes before you add the popper top when lift the cutter, the food drops. (That's what happen to me today using ham)
After pop out the bite-sized hams, I just played around the food and made some designs. Many more but I just took few photos! 
As usual, I put the rest of the Luv iT pop out hams, bread and cheese to made Busy Bees Bento!
A closer looked of the Busy Bees and Windmill Flower. Freehand cut out nori strips/wings/antenna for Bees and the face used puncher to punch nori out. The Windmill flower middle part I used flower cutter to cut cheese.

Add some Korean strawberries, blueberries and marshmallow. I hope you will like this Busy Bees ideas using FunBites Luv iT cutter. To know more about FunBites, do check out their website or if you like to purchase may go to this LINK.
Good News is FunBites Bobbie Rhoads so generous send me another new sets for giveaways! So ONE winner will win FunBites Cube iT & Luv iT!! Yes, the winner can win both cutters!!! To enter this giveaway, please log in your email or Facebook account via Rafflecopter widget below and follow the instructions from there. (Please email me at should you have problem using it.) It is mandatory for you to like FunBites & Karenwee's Bento Diary on Facebook. To increase your chance of winning by following me on twitter and by sharing this giveaway via twitter or on your blog. Giveaway is open Internationally. Invalid entries will be disqualified.
Giveaway will close on next Thursday, 11 April 2013. The winner will be picked randomly and it wll be announced on next Friday, 12 April 2013. Please check back this post for the winner. The winner has 48 hours to respond to my email, after which, I will proceed to pick a new winner. Good Luck!

  a Rafflecopter giveaway

Bento#April01~Bees love Sunflower

 This week will be my kids last week of school then they will have one week breaks so do I ^_^ Its Monday and still have no idea what to cooked for lunch so just check whatever ingredients I have in the fridge :) So here is it, I made Bees loves Sunflower theme bento.
I cooked Cha Soba Noodles and deocrate the bees using oval shape cutter to cut out the ham and add boiled seaweed for details. Arranged snflower on top and add ham for smiley face then decorate some roses using carrots. 
As for sides, I add broccoli, lotus roots, some strawberry and blueberries. 
 Hope you all will like today's lunch bento ^_^ Cheers!

Thursday, 21 February 2013

This is for school snack bento. Simple and cute bee buzzing around the garden :) To made the sandwich nicely fit in with the bento box. Just used the bento box as mold and cut the breads. I spread peanut butter to whole wheat breads.
 Instead of using cutter to cut the cheese as bee, I rolled the cheese with nori together as bee. Puncher the eyes and lip and nori strips. The bee wings used food pick. For the flower, I used flower cutter to cut the chicken ham and add edamame as leaves. Lastly, add in smiley face for flower.
Another bee ^_^ I changed the face features for the flower. Adorable right?
Some honey cherry tomato, grapes and homebaked pineapple tarts. I hope this simple snack can make you smile as the busy bees smiling too ^_^ Cheers!

Bento of the Week

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Bento#Nov15~Queen Bee

Today's lunch ~ Queen bee ~ loved flowers....My fridge running out of vegies and these few days been taking care of my girl. Hope she get well soon.
Well, I slice small piece from a hard boiled egg for queen bee face then cut from nori for eyes, nose, lips and hair. Before add the bee, I mixed the rice with japanese food sprinkle and used flower rice mould to pressed. The middle yellow part was egg yolk with some mayo. Put the flower first then only can deco the bee head and body :)
 I boiled some crabmeat rolls, bunny pasta and edamame beans. I rolled the crabmeat rolls with sweet bean curd/inari skin as flowers :) Finished with some bee picks!! Hope you all will like this bento too ^_^ Have a great day!