
Tuesday 1 September 2015

Bento2015#Sep01~Molang Bento

Looking for cute characters so here I thought of making "Molang" (Cute bunny from Korea) since it is my first attempt ^_^ My girl likes it a lot and asked me to make Molang often :D
Here's the close up Molang dancing I suppose or perhaps exercising :D Shape the rice into oval shaped then add on the ears make of hard boiled egg. Wear lettuce as tutu and crabstick for ribbon (I should use other ingredients instead of red due to back ground all RED). 

For side dishes have meat patties, lettuce, cherry tomatoes, sweet peas and some grapes.

Hope you like it ^_^ Have a lovely day! 

1 comment:

  1. 太可爱了!!我仿佛看见它真的在摇动,那裙摆太美丽了^^


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