
Monday 31 August 2015

Winnie The Pooh Deco Sweet Potatoes Steamed Buns

Oh no..... I can't helped it ever since I made deco steamed buns few days ago ^_^ This round I followed the recipe book for the ingredients to made "Golden Mini Buns" but I changed into "Pooh Deco Sweet Potato Steamed Buns with Red Bean fillings" Yup! Red bean fillings again!!! My kids like it a lot especially my elder son loves to eat his breads/pao with red bean fillings :D

The above photo that I shared at my FB/Instagram. Looked at it.... I still need to practice more for my Winnie the Pooh details =_=" Especially the details that I should have cut the lines into fine lines! It will look much better :D 

Sorry to said that I didn't take any tutorial photos due to my sticky hands while kneading the dough :D 
Anyway, I'm not a professional :D but I managed to took few shots after I shaped it with red bean fillings and the details ^_^ 

Here's the closer look before I bring all my Pooh Deco Pao to steams ^_^ 

After steamed it! 

Ta-da!! I hope you will like my "Winnie the Pooh Deco Sweet Potato steamed buns"

Recipes by Agnes Chang's "Tasty Temptations" book 
  • 1 tsp yeast*
  • 2 tbsp warm water*
  • 1/2 tsp sugar* 
  • 300g plain flour, sifted (I used pao flour)
  • 1/2 bowl mashed orange colour sweet potatoes
  • 50g castor sugar
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • 90ml water
 *mixed, let it stand for 10 minutes till foamy

1 bowl bean paste/lotus seed paste, formed into 20 small balls (recipe book stated)
But I made used of my leftover red bean paste as fillings and mad about 10 balls @20g each ball

1. Dough: Mix and knead all ingredients to form into a smooth and pliable dough. Cover and leave aside to prove till double its size. Knead again and rest for 15 minutes. Divide into 20 portions and form into small balls. (Note: I divided into 10 portions balls and the balance dough I mixed with charcoal powder for the details. Please take note that the balance dough left a lot due to I only made 10 portions for Pooh)

2. Use 1 piece of skin dough to wrap up 1 portion of fillings to get a mini pao. (Note: I pull out small portion for Pooh ears before I wrap up 1 portion of fillings). Please view the photo above.

3. The balance dough mixed with charcoal powder to make Pooh details. You may pull part balance dough for black colour dough as I ended up balance black again =_=" (I just made plain black mantou since is the leftover) so that you can make other mini panda deco mantou too!

4. After adding the black details (view the above photo) and leave to prove 15-30 minutes.

5. Steam over high heat for about 5 minutes. Remove and serve hot.



  1. They look fantastic and super cute to me! Thanks for sharing the recipe! :)

  2. 好棒的包子,不但可爱,看起来也好美味~期待妳更多作品^^

    1. 谢谢你赞美婉婉 ^^还要向你多多学习呢!


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