
Tuesday 28 January 2014

Bento2014J#Jan28~CNY My Neighbor Totoro & Mei

Yesterday I've received a called from Ajinomoto Malaysia that My Neighbor Totoro & Mei bento had won!!! Woohoo....So to celebrate my excitement & joy, I came out this same theme to made a CNY bento creation ^_^ To view my older version bento that I've won at Ajinomoto Malaysia please click HERE.

Here is Mei closed up looked ^_^ Happily & joyfully celebrate this coming CNY festival!!!
  • Mei : Tomato ketchup mixed with rice, nori & crabstick for all details
  • Hair : Kombu
  • Totoro : Nori, rice, kombu, crabstick & spaghetti for whiskers
  • White totoro : Fishballs & nori
For side dishes: grapes, chicken wing, spinach & punch out the "福" then stick onto crabstick. I hope you will like my today's post and lastly I wish all of my Chinese friends, followers, new visitors Happy Horse Year & Gong Xi Fa Cai!!!


  1. Congratulations again! Lovely CNY bento!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks dear Sannee & congrats to you too!!! ^_^

  3. Love this very happy bento, I can't help but smile too when I look at Mei's face! Congrats for the win, you totally deserve it :)!

  4. Congratulations, so happy for you!:) Cute bento and Gong Xi Fa Cai to you and your family! :)

  5. Congratulations! You are a great bento artist so I'm happy you won. Both Mei and Totoro bento are great, I love them!


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