
Wednesday 19 June 2013

Bento#June19~Flower Sausage Bento

Today's lunch suppose to made makisushi but it didn't turn out well so need to let them hide underneath the flower sausage ^_^ Haha....I felt like Plan A failed...still have Plan B!!!
I'm not the expert of making complicated sausage designed! Simple ones I know but this flower sausage idea was learned from a Japanese book. I add crabroll in the middle to cover the holes after turn the sausage into flower and secure with spaghetti strip. Next, I punch the nori for smiley face using puncher ^_^ Carrot as roses and sweet peas at the sides.
You may noticed that the close up flower sausage above photo without adding a ribbon pick :p I actually missed out until when I took some photos only realized! My daughter will likes it whenever making any character bento by adding the ribbon pick meaning is a GIRL ^_^ Well, I hope you will like this flower sausage bento lunch. I will try to do the tutorial photos when I'm free or if you can't wait....may just look out for the Japanese (all about Sausage designed) book at Kinokuniya Bookstore :) I bought the book during my Japan trips ^_^ Cheers! 

Latest update for readers who wants to know the book. I took a picture for your reference. Hope it helps ^_^ 

ISBN: 978-4-7572-1834-5



  1. Replies
    1. Aww....thank you Sannee for your sweet compliment!!!

  2. your sausage flower is so evenly and nicely cut! :)

  3. That is so cute!!!! I just started doing bentos for my daughter but I'm way far of being this cute... Did you get the chance to make the photo-tutorial? Do you mind asking for the book's tittle and the name of the author?

    1. Thanks Anna ^_^ I almost forgot about doing the tutorial =_=" Let me check the book again and reply to you. Will add the book image to this blog again for your ref ^_^

    2. Thank you very much!! \ (^ o ^) /

    3. Hi Ana, I've updated the blog and hope you able to find with the ISBN number. I'm sure Kinokuniya bookstore able to find or go online :)


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