
Tuesday 18 June 2013

Bento#June18~Hello Kitty The Frog Prince

Today's lunch bento I made The Frog Prince from McDonald Hello Kitty collection ^_^ I still have two more HK collection to grab :p Well, for today's bento I reheat last night dinner leftover meats and just steam the broccoli and sotong roll. As I need to take longer time for cutting out the nori outlines =_=" So can't waste too much time on cooking!!!
Hmm....when I mixed the rice with green furikake was quite greenish but when I look at the photos wasn't that GREEN :( *Sigh..... Oh well, as usual used cling wrap to shape the rice as froggy and combine the oval shape HK face (white rice only) Not happy with the hands as it stick to my fingers when I try to arrange into the bento box! Argh.....
The pink bow was made from rice too! I mixed with Mizkan Colourful Osushi Pink and used cling wrap to pressed in onto HK cutter mould for the shape. Freehand scissor cut all the details ^_^
I loved the strawberry kitty idea so whenever I saw strawberry will try to made them ^_^ The nori details using puncher to punch out the nori. Some grapes and checker apple.
Phew.....managed to finished it but when taking photos I'm not quite happy with the hands!! No time for shaping those hands =_=" Well, I hope you will like today's lunch bento ^_^ Cheers!


  1. i like (^_^)..
    btw... how to make the strawberry kitty?

    1. Thanks dear! I did shared out the youtube from my previous Hello Kitty posts. You may go look out under Hello kitty may able to find ^_^

  2. Always love your strawberry kitty! :) ^^

    1. Thanks dear! I'm sure u made better than me ^_^

  3. pretty kitty! wow! you did all that in the morning? you are super fast! :)

    1. Thanks dear! Yup....I did it in the morning b4 send my kids to school n work! My previous Red Riding Hood also did in the morning but was very rushing.....this time no nd to cooked just reheat so still able to cope ^_^

  4. The details are insane! You are super talented Karen! x

  5. Aww.... I'm blushing.... Thank you so much Winnie! It means a lot to me ♥


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