
Wednesday 22 May 2013

Bento#May22~Hello Kitty Futomaki Sushi

My first attempt making this Hello Kitty Futomaki Sushi using newly bought HK sushi molds. I followed the steps by steps from Asia Food Recipe youtube. Click this LINK for viewing the video. I don't have the time to take pictures for the tutorial in the morning due to rushing time for sending kids to school and I off for work. 
In this lunch bento contains four HK Futomaki Sushi and really huge!!! My son not going to bring the balance HK Futomaki Sushi as I cut into 7 pieces. So the balance three will be my breakie ^_^
Side dishes have sweet corn, crabroll, stir-fried spinach with mushroom and some apple/oranges slices. I hope you will like this Hello Kitty Futomaki Sushi. 
Here is the after done bento box and HK sushi molds. Both items bought in Singapore during my day trip. I like the HK bento box that comes with another two smaller boxes. Lovely right? Cheers!


  1. woot! so love these HK maki sushi! only if i have the skills to make them too!

    1. Thanks dear....but if without the sushi molds I don't think able to successful :P

  2. So neatly done! Great job, I love these!

  3. the mold is really nice! maybe I should buy too :P

    1. Yes is pretty handy and easy to made ^_^ I'm sure urs will look better than mine :)


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