
Tuesday 21 May 2013

Bento#May21A~Papa & Mama Bento

Opps....I was playing with my cutter and try to create something new instead of follow. I took out a butterfly cutter and start to create by adding this and that etc....End up I kind of like this look but totally what should I name them? All I can think was Papa & Mama. Papa with beard and Mama with pretty eyelashes :p
Let's meet Papa with beard. I cut out two small square corn breads add fillings between and put to the butterfly cutter then used fingers to pressed. Add a pick to secure the corn bread and cupcake. Next steps just create the eyes/nose using circle cutter and nori puncher.
Here is pretty Mama ^_^ Repeat all the steps same as Papa except no beard but lashes! Hehe...
I hope you will like this bento snack ^_^ I showed this photo to my hubby and asked his opinion. Guess what he replied? He said: Why the butterfly eyes on top? Oh time no more playing around or perhaps stick back to BUTTERFLY :) Cheers! 


  1. They are adorable and I like the facial expressions!:)I am sure you had fun making them!

    1. Thanks Rina and yes indeed having a lot of fun making it!


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