
Tuesday 14 May 2013

Bento#May14A~Garu & Pucca Kyaraben

So long I didn't made Pucca so this time for my girl bento snack~Garu & Pucca~ I managed to have some time to take some photos of the step by step. Hopefully you can understand as I'm not the professional on taking photos :p
  1. Cheese/Nori/Crabstick
  2. Put the tracing paper on top of the seaweed/nori then follow the outline using scissor
  3. Put the cut out Pucca on top of the cheese and freehand cut the nori eyes and punch the lips
  4. The body tracing paper lay on top of crabstick and penknive trim
  5. Finished with all the details! If you have time can add the nori outline.
I will update the bigger pictures at my Step by Step Home page. Click HERE 
Next is Garu ^_^
  1. Follow the same step as Pucca
  2. Put the cut out Garu nori on top of the cheese and freehand cut nori eyebrows
  3. Use the cutter for crabstick white eyeballs and cut the inner eyes too!
  4. Prepare the bento box.
  5. Opps....too anxious and I forgot to take Garu individual photo =_='' Anyway, finished all the details.
I used the bento box to cut out the bread so it fits well. Spread some kaya for sandwich or any other jams.
Here is the closed up Garu & Pucca ^_^ While making Garu, Pucca cheeks not nice so I wiped away. I should have apply again but forgotten.....oh well, the cheeks still look great! Haha...
I hope you will like these cute Garu & Pucca Kyaraben ^_^ Cheers!

Linked up:
Bento Lunch



Thank you so much for spending some time to read my blog and leave some comments....loved to hear from you!! Hugs & cheers!