
Saturday 27 April 2013

Bento#April27~My Melody Lunch

Today I made lunch for myself ^_^ Yesterday was my girl's 9th Blessed Birthday and we had a buffet party dinner outside. Too much left over foods so today I heat up the food and made My Melody kyaraben :) 
I scooped the fried rice to flower mould then pressed out. In the middle I made My Melody kyaraben using rice mould to shape white rice then add in ham, kombu/boiled seaweed, cheese for nose and nori for lips. Not forgetting crabstick for red bow using cutter. 
Here is the rice mould I've used for My Melody ^_^ My dearest sister went to Osaka, Japan and helped to purchased this mould. I was thrill to see her online chat with me when she saw it and asked me whether I want it? Yes! Yes! Yes! today I made used of these mould and cutters.
At my lunch plate contains curry chicken with potato, bean curd with seafood, fish fillet and fried rice. I hope you all had a wonderful lunch too! Cheers!


  1. we all love new molds and cutters dont we! hheheheeh bento making hooray.

    Lovely lunch!


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