
Friday 26 April 2013

Bento#April26~My girl's 9th Birthday Bento

 Today is my daughter's 9 years old birthday!! I made this birthday bento for her and I know she likes Hello Kitty so you can see her bento for today mostly HK ^_^ Tonight, we will celebrate her birthday and I ordered a HK birthday cake too! Haha....
This morning she already can't wait for her evening party and I invited some of her classmates :)
I made a birthday girl and my girl is thin so I thought of making a chubby cute girl ^_^ Freehand cut out nori for hair, eyes, nose, mouth and dress lines. Stick the nori onto the cheese and finished all the details. Underneath birthday girl was a cupcake and small circle bread (cutter cut out) for the cheese to support. Add ribbon picks for her hair and party hat. As for her hands, I used cutter to cut out the cheese and add red crabstick for bracelet :p Dress also made from crabstcik!
Next, the HK Birthday Cake!! First, I cut flower cheese using cutter and put on top of the cupcake then toast a bit to melt. To made HK bread, I used HK rice mould to made and add peanut butter fillings inside then fold/press out the shape. Put the HK bread on top the cheese cupcake then punch out the nori details and add some colourful star fondant to deco. I wanted to add candles but not nice so I skip that part!

Another part of the bento box, I made heart shape quail egg using mould to cook. Made small HK bread using bread cutter and filled the nori/crabstick. Last part, I add Happy Birthday stick and HK gummy on top ^_^
Remember I did HK strawberry? This time I remember to add Kitty-chan bow!! Yeah....I used heart shape fondant :) I did try out using chocolate for face but it melt so I prefer nori :)
So here is the Birthday Bento for my darling girl!!! I hope you will enjoy reading my post and love this bento too! Haha....Hugs and cheers!


  1. Happy Birthday to your girl and what a super cute bento, I am sure she enjoyed it! :)

    1. Thank you so much dear Rina ^_^ Yes, she really enjoyed it!

  2. Love all the details! So amazing. Happy birthday to your little girl!

    1. Thank you so much dear Jean ^_^ Have a great weekend!

  3. So pretty this sweet girl :D


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