
Tuesday 22 September 2015

Bento2015#Sep22~Duffy Bento

Perhaps this bento you will see it as a bear bento but actually I'm making Disney Duffy Bear ^_^ Well, still look like a bear right? Haha...

Duffy brown rice make of chicken rice (overnight chicken rice from dinner) At first, I try to shape Duffy head as onigiri but fail....the rice is oily and seem that it won't stick together firmly =_=" After I remove the cling wrap and arrange it, the rice ball slowly loosen. Argh! So I need to change ideas. 

No time to waste so I just spread the chicken rice into the bento box and add white rice balls details to make Duffy face together with nori details.

For side dishes have minced pork, cheese balls and spinach.

I hope you like this simple Duffy Bento sharing ^_^ Happy Tuesday!


Thank you so much for spending some time to read my blog and leave some comments....loved to hear from you!! Hugs & cheers!