
Tuesday 15 September 2015

Bento2015#Sep15~Pooh Tsum Tsum

I saw these cute Pooh Tsum Tsum at Google Image (image can be view after the post) so I decided to make for my daughter lunch box ^_^ Anyway, I didn't follow the actual image expressions from Google search.

First, I add the rice to the thermos and put one piece of inari on top. Next, I make three different sizes of Pooh Tsum Tsum mashed potatoes with nori details. All the nori details not freehand scissor cut out...I use puncher ^_^

For side dishes have spam meat, pea sprout, cherry tomato roses and another container have apples/grapes.

Ta-da! Simple and quick bento ^_^ I hope you like today's Pooh Tsum Tsum bento.

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