
Monday 3 August 2015

Butter Cinnamon Pull-apart Breads

After baking the Rilakkuma Pull-apart bread, my kids request more ^_^ So this time I search for other recipes books at home and found this "Butter Cinnamon Roll" recipes looks yummy but I change to make as pull-apart bread instead of individual roll. Haha....still presentable! 

Look at the soft and fluffy texture of my home-baked bread ^_^ Since I don't have time to decorate the top part as any characters, I just add Fuchico Hello Kitty for extra cuteness!

Below is the Butter Cinnamon Roll recipes but I changed to other ingredients ^_^

Ingredients A: 
  • 280gm     Bread Flour/High Protein Flour
  • 15gm       milk powder (I use soymilk powder)
  • 2.5gm      bread improver
Ingredients B:
  • 60gm       castor sugar
  • 1/2tsp      salt
  • 70gm       water
  • 6gm         instant yeast
  • 100gm     fresh milk (I use soymilk)
Ingredient C:
  • 50gm      butter
  1. Combine A and B to forms almost a dough or you can use bread maker machine under "dough" setting.
  2. Add in C beat until it form a fine dough. (I add the butter after saw the bread maker machine mix into a dough form).
  3. Leave to prove for 30 minutes or if you use bread maker machine just wait until the "dough" setting done.
  4. Keep in freezer for 15 minutes. (I skipped this part)
  5. Roll in flat sheet (sprinkle some flour on table top while roll) apply with butter, sprinkle with cinnamon powder and castor sugar. Roll up. (I skipped adding the castor sugar)
  6. Cut into 8 sections. Arrange onto 8 inches greased chiffon cake pan. Let it prove double in size by cover with damp cloth. Or you can make 6 individual 10cm greased aluminium foil and let it prove in double size.
  7. Bake at 190ºC 15-20 minutes. 

Here's the picture taken before oven bake after the dough prove double size ^_^ I used my Iphone to captured it :p


  1. Wow!!your bread look sooo yummy!!drooling~

    1. aww... thank you so much for your lovely words ^_^ I need to learn more from you :)


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