
Wednesday 11 February 2015

Bento2015#Feb11~Panda Bento Valentine's Day

Three more days toward the V-day! Here I make these lovely panda couple inspired by the panda figurines. The panda figurines are from my daughter's toy ^_^ I spend quite some times on shaping and sticking....luckily manage to finish on time before send my kids to school. No time to organize well for the side dishes so just put everything inside the small panda lunchbox =_="  

Here's the close up Panda Couple :) Freehand scissor cut out nori details and shape the rice using cling wrap. Can't see the bouquet of flower details for the panda holding..... I should put the red part of crabstick bottom and put the white part on top so will stand out! Oh well....can't be done now =_=" Rose make of cherry tomato and add pea sprout surrounding.
Side dishes have pan-fried gyoza, quail eggs, cherry tomato and some grapes.

Wish all couple "Happy Valentine's Day

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