
Thursday 4 December 2014

Bento2014#Dec04~Tomato Spaghetti

Simple tomato spaghetti for today's lunch and I'm using this 3-tier My Melody bento boxes (one of my daughter's favourite lunchbox). Once again limited space for decoration so I just use quail eggs for simple characters! This is easy by adding the food pick onto the quail eggs to create animals ^_^ So guess what animals base on the top photo? Hehehe.....easy right? Blue pick for bunny and orange pick for bear :D

For side dishes have broccoli, prawns and grapes. Extra tomato sauce at the sauce container.

I hope you will like today's lunch and I can't wait to create my Christmas Theme bento next week onwards! Have a great day and thanks for reading :)


  1. Your littke eggs are so cute :3

  2. Looks good but SO tiny! How old is your daughter?

    1. Thank you! My daughter is 10 years old this year and usually I will packed small amount of food (as per requested by her) due to she wants to finished up her food as fast as possible then hang out with her friends during lunch break ^_^


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