
Monday 10 November 2014

Bento2014#Nov10~Hello! I'm OLAF

Do you want to build a snowman? It's been a while have not made Olaf ^_^ Inspired by one of my lovely friend at my FB page shared a link of Olaf crochet to me ~ Thank you Caitlin :) I know my crochet limited skill so don't think I able to make Olaf crochet :D here I thought of made bento instead ^_^ Much easier for me! Lol!
Here's the close up Olaf Snowman ^_^ Shape the rice using cling wrap and finished off with nori details. Remember to have Olaf picture with you for freehand scissor cut out nori :D I prefer to follow the picture expression or by looking at my sketched (If I sketched). Nose made from carrot and I find it too short after taking pictures =_=" To made sure Olaf won't be separated, I insert toasted spaghetti :p
For side dishes at another container, I pan-fried fish fillets, broccoli, tamagoyaki, carrots and few slices of apples. Punch out snowflakes using puncher and add mayonnaise on top of the fish fillets ^_^ Bon-appetit!

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