
Tuesday 8 July 2014

Bento2014#Jul08~Totoro Ice Cream Bento

It's Tuesday again!!! Time flies....week by week I'm counting down my kids final term school break ^_^ Less food on every Tuesday so again I packed ice cream theme bento. Last week start off with Hello Kitty so this round TOTORO!!! Do you like My Neighbor Totoro movie? My kids loved it including myself too :D Hahaha....

Here is the close up Totoro Ice Cream ^_^ To made Totoro, I mix the rice with black sesame powder into the ice cream shape then put small circle white rice (flatten it) on top. Lastly, punch out nori for Totoro details! Whiskers made from toasted spaghetti and I add pea sprout for some green touch (of course for her to eat together with the rice).

Meatless and really less food >_< Sigh......Don't understand why must the the school made such arrangement during their lunch break!!! Argh.....

Well, I hope you like this My Neighbor Totoro Ice Cream Bento ^_^ Happy Tuesday!


  1. super kawaii and healthy... :) just curious, why less food for daughter's lunch every Tuesday? She has a shorter lunch break time?

    1. Thank you so much Shirley 😍

      Yes shorter lunch break time due to reading program every Tuesday! Is a bit rush for her if more dishes or foods. Like today she has no time to finish her fruits. Sigh....


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