
Friday 27 June 2014

Hello Kitty Movie Time Foodart

Anybody going to watch Transformers: Age of Extinction or perhaps you've watched? Hubby bought tickets for this coming weekend Sunday movie time. Yay!! My son can't wait but not for my daughter :D May be she's a girl....hold on....I'm a adult girl but I love to watch Transformers!! to make it fun and excited for the coming movie time. I made dinner foodart ^_^ It's Hello Kitty enjoys her movie time watching T4!!! No time to made four Hello Kitty as a family so just one Kitty-chan will do :)

You don't need a mould to do this ^_^ All I do just use cling wrap and shape them. Easy right? I tried to make it simple without too many details so the popcorn and drinks....hmm....not what I want but well...still passed right? Popcorn made from egg sheet (cut small). I also made movie seat with number A1!! Do you notice it? 

Simple side dishes: veggies, eggs, bake beans and steam fish (not in this photo).

Happy Blessed Weekend and if you're watching T4 too~ Enjoy!!!

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