
Tuesday 24 June 2014

Bento2014#Jun24~My Melody Inarizushi

Less food for today's lunch ^_^ I made inarizushi and shape My Melody kyaraben and rest on top of the inarizushi :) I don't have Mizkan sushi pink mix so I just use ketchup to mix the rice and use My Melody cookie cutter as mould to shape the outline. To avoid sticky, I use cling wrap and pressed the rice.
First, made the inarizushi then rest at the bottom. Next, shape My Melody then rest on top ^_^ Simple right? I add two mini rice balls for My Melody and decorate with ribbon & flower using crabstick and corns. I tried to capture both My Melody but I find it hard =_=" Cause it will blocked the image.....sigh....

I carved apple leave and also made apple roses ^_^ How to made? 

Just cut the apple half and slice thinly for the petals. Add all the apple slices and cover with water then let it boil until soft. Remove the apple and strain the water by putting on top of the kitchen towel. Next, take the smallest slice of apple to start making roses. 

The other half apple, I cut it to make it as leave. To see the tutorial can click HERE

Ta-da....can you spot the other smilling My Melody? That's the reason I can't capture nicely if close up =_=" Well, hope you like it! Happy Tuesday! 


  1. Replies
    1. aww...thank you so much Jackie ^_^ I'm happy that you love the roses and hope you can make some roses in your bento too!

  2. Beautiful apple carving! I am so amazed you are able to slice the apples so thinly! Looks amazing!

  3. 那苹果玫瑰花太棒了!!谢分享

    1. 谢谢婉婉的赞!这苹果玫瑰对你来说太简单了!呵呵。。。


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