
Sunday 15 June 2014

Bento2014#Jun15~Happy Father's Day Bento

Happy Father's Day to all amazing super dad ^_^ I made this bento on Friday's night dinner for my man at home but I schedule to post it today :) Last year I made similar bento too as I have two beautiful children and can't believe that my son has already grown up taller than me =_=" To view my last year Father's Day Bento click HERE.

Look how handsome I made for the "DAD" hahaha....looking smart with black tie ^_^ Pretty girl (my daughter) and handsome boy (my son) both hugging their "DAD". To made the face, as usual mix rice with ketchup. Frehand nori cut for hair and all details :) Arrange all three then filled up the holes with veggies and star fishcakes.

Is seafood Friday for us, so I cooked simple stir-fried spring onion prawns with white shimeji mushroom and checker apple.

It's been awhile have not use this Fukuro Bento box ever since bought from Bento & Co. Just nice for Father's Day Bento due to most of my lunchbox too girlish or small boxes. Totally out to match today's theme but this Fukuro Woodgrain looks just PERFECT for adult right?

Okay....bon-appetit! Wish all super daddy "Blessed Father's Day" good in health ^_^  


  1. such a lovely family bento, The man is handsome! and prawns look yummy!!

    1. Haha....thank you so much dear ^_^ Always here to support me!


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