
Saturday 22 March 2014

Mantou anyone?? Piggy & Hello Kitty

It's Saturday and why I'm here writing on weekend? Well, just have the "good" mood doing some baking :p Yes, I'm the kind of follow my mood swing on today I made simple piggy mantou and hello kitty mantou. My very 1st attempt making character design and still need lots of practice to make it better ^_^ Really admire those who can baked and cooked!

 Bought this recipe book quite some time but didn't make the effort of making it =_=" Love to flipped the pages but lack of motivation of doing it compare making bento :D

Here is my Piggy Mantou. The recipe book that I followed was supposely in pink colours for the nose and ears but I don't have the ingredients. So I did some changes by mixing cooked pumpkin for the orange colour.

I tried out making Hello Kitty Mantou as well and didn't turn out pretty :p Well, as long my kids love it and enjoy making together means a whole world to me ^_^ The whiskers I add chocolate rice before steam it and it melts nicely (surprised me) Eye balls were black candy (bought from bakery shop)

Ta-da....end of hard work for today!! Haha....not sure when will I gain back the "good" mood on baking :) Happy Weekend to all! 


  1. Good grief girl! They are fantastic!!!! If you think you need practice then there is NO hope for me!!!!

    1. Oh gosh.....I think can be improve coz I'm not good in baking :D You're too kind dear ^_^


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