
Wednesday 5 March 2014

Bento2014#Mar05~Ash Wed ✞ Bento

Today is Ash Wednesday first day of Lent that we Catholic will fasting. But my daughter still young so she doesn't need to fast from meals. I prepare something simple for her as well to remind her the day of fasting when she reaches age 14. 

Freehand cut out nori for little girl with a cross of ashes (nori) at forehead and stick on cheese then use toothpick to trim out. The sign of a cross ashes that will be receive it today's Ash Wednesday Mass. 

I baked potato mushroom puff pastry using frozen puff pastry. Pretty easy to made but I didn't follow any recipes....opps....just mainly cooked potato, carrots, fresh button mushroom, garlic, onion as fillings.  I'm sure you will have a better recipe for it but I tend to made it simple with less ingredients :p

Alphabet ASH WED letters pick for another puff pastry and few grapes, honey cherry tomato and flower marshmallows. 

I hope you will like this simple bento lunch! 

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