
Tuesday 24 December 2013

Ho ho ho......Santa Claus Makisushi

Ho ho ho.....Santa Claus is coming.....It's Christmas Eve!!! I was busy with my work after one week holidays in KL with my family. I don't have time to make any Christmas theme bento but today I managed to made makisushi rolled!! Honestly, it's my first attempt to make this Santa Claus Makisushi so little stressed out will fail.....Luckily it turn out well ^_^ I skipped few part from the Japanese Sushi book to make it simple :D As you can see I didn't add the Santa mouth ^_^
Red rice: Mixed with red furikake
Yellow rice: Mixed with mashed egg yolk
Green rice: Mixed with green furikake
Seaweed to rolled ^_^

If you've followed me at Instagram will saw my post about this mini red pot! Love it so much ^_^ Just nice to matched today's Christmas Eve theme food presentation ^_^ I wanted to make two tone apple but no green apples so I cut oranges instead :p
Well, I hope you all will have a wonderful Blessed Christmas celebration with your family ^_^ Have fun! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!


  1. very cute santa sushi! merry christmas!

    1. Thanks Shirley ^_^ Sorry for the late reply & Merry Christmas

  2. It is so cute!! Maybe I know which book are you using?

    1. Hi Celine, I follow Japanese sushi book. Will take a picture of the book & reply it again. Thank you so much for your sweet words.

    2. Sorry for the late :p Here's the link of the sushi book I'm using :
      I don't know how to attached picture into this replied so I search the book image from Google. Anyway, I bought this sushi Japanese book during my Japan trip few years ago. I bought from Kinokuniya Tokyo but I'm sure other Kinokuniya branches might able to get or other bookstore. Hope this help with the image picture of the book :)

      Thank you for the waiting :)

    3. Thanks dear, will go to the link and have a look for that book... 😘


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