
Tuesday 12 November 2013

Bento#Nov12~My Melody Wheat Wrap

Kids requested to have a simple lunch on every Tuesday. The only simple one will be making sandwiches but I saw some wheat wrap from supermarket so thought of give it a try. This is my first attempt to use the wheat wrap instead of roll with bread ^_^ I wrap with turkey ham, lettuce, capsicums (yellow & red) and mayonnaise. Then roll and wrap them to aluminium foil for oven toast 4 to 5 minutes. After toast, I removed the foil wrappers and wrap with My Melody foil ^_^

Here is the closer look of the wheat wraps ^_^ I made two wheat wraps for both of my children. In this My Melody bento box, one of toasted wheat wrap with "My Melody" aluminium foil and the other 2nd wheat wrap I slice into half. Arranged it and insert love picks on top then add My Melody baran sheet. 

For the 2nd tier of the My Melody bento box, I made boiled egg (cut into cube) mayonnaise with capsicums (yellow & red) and cucumber as salad. Carve apple leaf and checker apple for other side. Again I add cute My Melody baran sheet on top. I liked this bento box but only for small portion of food. You can see the whole bento box at the bottom of this post. I took some pictures!
I am so sorry for the over exposed photos due to early morning indoor photo takings in my kitchen. Even though I add extra lighting still cannot compare to natural outdoor sunlight =_=" Well, I hope you will like my simple lunch bento for today's post! Have a nice day to you all!

Here is the two tier My Melody lunch box. There is Hello Kitty design but I choose My Melody design during my previous Japan trips :p 

Similar bento box can be found at Amazon affiliate links below:


  1. lovely bento box and yummy food! :)

  2. The wraps looks delicious and I love your checkered apple, cute bento box too!:)


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