
Thursday 10 October 2013

Bento#Oct10~Prince + Princess Sibling Kyaraben

Inspired by Hippomum's 75 types of Bento book ‘你也可以轻松做的爱心便当75种’ (pg:57) ^_^ This time I choose to made Prince + Princess Kyaraben!!! I know my daughter will like this theme especially will tell me that she's the Princess and her brother is the Prince ^_^ So I shall name it "Prince + Princess Sibling" Kyaraben. 
So let's meet my Prince Kyaraben first! Shape tomato rice into a ball using cling wrap then add eggsheet for the Prince golden hair ^_^ I like to highlight the hair with some tone so I add nori hair lines :p The tiny white balls are fondant (bought from bakery shop). My Prince charming holds a bouquet of flowers!
Same method for making my Princess Kyaraben :) Just play around with the eggsheet to made some hair styling for the princess! 
Side dishes: Stir-fried 奶白(Tiny Chinese cabbage), Gyoza and checker apple. *Flower carrots*
I hope you will like this Royal Theme bento 'Prince + Princess' Kyaraben. Cheers!

Bento tools:
monbento bentos & accessories


  1. Your detailed work, like eyes, is really really impressive! I don't know if I can bite to the prince and princess. Haha :D

    1. Aww...thanks Nami ^_^ You're so kind and sweet :) I can't it when comes to female eyes details!! I liked to add on pretty curl lashes :D

  2. That's amazing. *^_^*

    How did you do the carrots?

    1. Thank you so much Miso Bento ^_^

      The carrots, I used flower cutters to do it :)

  3. This is so sweet and cute!

  4. So adorable the prince and princess! Coincidentally, all are my favourite dish; gyoza & nai bai ;)

    1. hehe....thanks dear! And all the dishes also our favourite ^_^


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