
Friday 4 October 2013

Bento#Oct04~Dinner Bento for ME!!!

Today I'm going to write a dinner post recipe that I've followed JustOneCookbook. I always wanted to try out her recipes so this time finally tried out her "Garlic Miso Chicken" I loved Miso soup but didn't know that Miso also can marinate with other meats :p So it makes me curious how's the taste like? Surprisingly was awesome!! Thanks to Nami ^_^ If you like to see the recipe please click HERE. I liked her blog as she will showed you the tutorial pictures and loved the way she posted! At her recipe, she used chicken wings but I used chicken breast meat and instead of oven baked, I used air fryer!!! The results was YUMMY!! 
Is quite a challenging tasks for me to design an adult bento and I would love to practice it ^_^ Hope you all will like it! After air fryer the "Garlic Miso Chicken", I sliced them and arranged on top of the rice (rice mixed with furikake) Each chicken slices, I add carrot flowers and cucumber leaves. For the silicon food cup, I add stir-fried Kai-Lan with mushroom and decorate cherry tomato roses ^_^ Bon appetit! 

Bento tools I've used:


  1. So beautiful! I love miso chicken! Miso is great on salmon n cod too. :)

    1. Oh really?? Thanks for sharing with me Ming ^_^

  2. Lovely and yummy bento! I love the pretty flowers and also your bento box!:) Have a nice weekend :)

    1. Thanks Rina ^_^ Have a great weekend to yo and family too!

  3. Looks so yummy and lovely! I would love to have it for lunch ;)

  4. Hi Karen! I'm very sorry I came to visit your post so late. This bento is beautiful!! I don't know how you make such a beautiful kyaraben! I think no matter how much I won't look like a certain character I pick. :) I'm so glad you enjoyed the recipe, and thank you for linking back to my post!

    1. Hi Nami,
      You're so sweet and happy that you find time to visit my blog ^_^ I enjoyed it and even recommended your recipes to my colleagues ^_^
      Your bento foods all with yummy dishes compare to mine way too far....I still need to learn and improve my cooking dishes as my kids no longer little kids! Haha....thanks to your kind sharing recipes that make me more easier on cooking!! Hugs!


Thank you so much for spending some time to read my blog and leave some comments....loved to hear from you!! Hugs & cheers!