
Wednesday 4 September 2013

Bento#Sept04~Bento&Co Three Color Bento

Today I will post my yesterday dinner bento ^_^ I want to try out this "Three Color Bento" theme by Bento and Co. so I decided to create it after cooked dinner dishes for my family! Is quite fun making colorful dishes and arranged nicely into the bento box. 
Here is my tried out "Three Color Bento" Green/Yellow/Brown & White ^_^ Sorry that I can't helped it not to made any kyaraben :p My daughter saw this bento and told me: "Mummy, I want to eat this for my dinner!!"  Hahaha....
Brown rice bear: I mixed the white rice with my chicken mushroom stew sauce and cut the mushroom as bear ears and punched out nori seaweed for the details. 

White rice bunny: Just plain rice and I shaped two bunny ears using spaghetti strips to secured it. I made small rice ball for the nose and punched out nori seaweed for the details.

Yellow rice: Bottom of the scramble eggs, I add the same brown rice. The scramble eggs I mixed with yellow capsicum.

Green rice: Bottom of the stir-fried Organic Baby Pea sprout will be white rice.

So basically the bento bowl I used were alternate brown and white rice combined ^_^
Cooked this chicken mushroom stew using Happy Call ^_^ I didn't followed any recipe but just my simple cooking skilled :p
I used WANWAN bento box bought it from Bento&Co during my Kyoto visits! So I filled up the extra scramble eggs and the organic baby pea sprout ^_^ I also add skewers fruits~Grapes, Purple dragon fruits cut into cube and oranges! 
I hope you will like my "Three Color Bento" theme and I call it "Beary & Bunny Kyaraben" Thank you so much for reading and if you like my bento creation you're welcome to follow me at the top right corner buttons ^_^ Hugs! 

*Sorry for the photography part as was taken from my kitchen and was late evening :(  


  1. Never seen a charaben idea like this before, very fresh and smart! :D. The bento looks yummy as well ;9

    1. Aww....words coming from you makes me blushing :p You're too kind and thank you for coming back visiting my blog Tata! Hope you have a wonderful trip to Kyoto!

  2. Replies
    1. Awww....thank you so much for your kind words!


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