
Monday 26 August 2013

Bento#Aug26~Owl Inari Bento

Hello everyone ^_^ It's been awhile I have not update my blog. Due to my kids summer holidays until this week and so I'll be back on bento-ing next week onwards. Sound great right? Well, first of all I must thank you for new visitors and my followers for continue to visit my blog. I hope today's post will brighten up your day as I did this "Owl Inari Bento" last week. Yup....last week bento and yet took me so long to update :( But good news is this "Owl Inari Bento" comes with tutorial!! Yay!! I hope you will enjoy reading my next post for the tutorial with all the pictures guideline ^_^
Here is a closer look of the owls. I have made one big owl and baby owl ^_^ I'll explain the the making for my next tutorial post so do visit and I'll be more happy if you can let me know after you have tried out my simple owl design :)
 To go along with the Owl Inari, I added tamagoyaki, sweet corn, broccoli, edamame, chicken wrapped with seaweed, crab rolls, cherry tomato as rose and lastly apple as leaf :)
Do you notice that I've used an owl bento box? Just nice to match with my "Owl Inari Bento" theme :) I bought this Fukuro Bento Box during my visit at Bento & Co. Kyoto! I hope you will like it too and remember to check out my next TUTORIAL posts! Cheers!

                                                Bento Lunch


Thank you so much for spending some time to read my blog and leave some comments....loved to hear from you!! Hugs & cheers!