
Tuesday 4 June 2013

Bento#June04~Panda/Bear/Seal Kyaraben

Today's lunch I'm making hamburger since I'm cooking some patties. Instead of using burger bun, I used cooked rice. This great ideas not from me as I remember saw it from Pinterest Images ^_^ 
To shape the rice as burger bun, I used cling wrap to shape it. I tried to arranged the hamburgers into the bento box so that it look like a burger but fail :( Due to I want to make design faces on top so the only position was stand alone. Can't made three burgers so the 3rd patty just arranged on top :p
I filled up the holes with checker apple, some slices of apple, strawberry, grapes underneath and honey cherry tomato. I hope you will like today's animal kyaraben lunch bento. Too bad I can't show you the idea of hamburger unless I don't put inside the box ^_^ Haha....Cheers!  

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