
Monday 24 June 2013

Bento#June24~Singing Birds ♩♪♫♬

Hello everyone ^_^ It's Monday again!! I felt so happy because my god daughter also my hubby's sister just got married on last Saturday :) Seeing happy couple married in Church and attending their wedding dinner just like brought back some memories of myself and hubby for the past 13 years! Well, since was a sweet memory....I'm making singing birds bento just like the Church Choir singing blissful music for the lovely couple ^_^
In this bento contains: broccoli, Japanese Chicken seaweed, crabroll, eggsheets as flowers and birds (cutter), sweet potato as flowers and checker, lastly rice with furikake.
I add few musical notes picks and insects for the flower part ^_^ I hope you will like this "Singing Birds Bento" lunch! Cheers!


  1. happy bento! congrats to your god daughter!

    1. On behalf of my god daughter: Thank you!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Koogle & also thanks for visit my blog ^^


Thank you so much for spending some time to read my blog and leave some comments....loved to hear from you!! Hugs & cheers!