
Friday 14 June 2013

Bento#June14~We Love You "Happy Father's Day"

On this coming Sunday 16th June 2013 will be Father's Day!! So I decided to made one for my dear hubby as dinner bento for him. I don't think have the time to make any bento during the weekend so why not tonight since I'm cooking ^_^ I managed to find one bigger bento box as most of my cabinets filled with small bento boxes :p Anyway, this amount of food in the bento box wasn't enough for him!! Haha... there was a bowl of miso beancurd soup that I forgot to add to the photo takings :)
Well, I thought of taking some photos before I arranged the foods into the bento box. For human face, I mixed the rice with tomato ketchup and used cling wrap to shaped. Freehand scissor cut out the seaweed/nori for all the details. I made the "DAD" wears a tuxedo!! Haha....handsome right? I made two kids hugging their "DAD" :D The 2nd photos, I arranged the lady's finger/okra for little girl as her dress and white beech mushroom/Bunapi Shimeji for the boy body. 
A closer look of the dad/daughter/son ^_^ I've a son & daughter so this two represent them :)
For side dishes, salmon, tamagoyaki with seaweed, crabroll, carrots as roses, cucumber as leave and kombu roll.
 After I've finished made this ke-poh daughter asked: "Mummy, where are you? Why you're not inside the box?" Hahaha.... I told her its "Father's Day" and there wasn't enough room for "MUM" to fits IN!!! 
Well, I wish all awesome, wonderful, handworking, loving and super DAD "Happy Blessed Father's Day" Cheers!


  1. such a sweet Fathers Day Bento!

  2. Happy Father's Day !! 好温馨的爸爸便当 :D

  3. love the eyes.. smiles..
    You're really good at doing the details.
    such a sweet bento too.. (^_^)

    1. Aww...thank you so much for your sweet comments ^_^

  4. 爸爸吃的时候有没有感动到流泪呢?
    你的手真的好巧哦! :)

    1. 没流泪啦!呵呵。。。谢谢妳的赞美哦!

  5. Fantastic bento! Such a lovely way to commemorate Father's Day.
    Happy Father's Day to all the daddies in your family! :)
    Winnie xx

    1. Aww....thanks a lot Winnie ^_^ Same to you "Happy Father's Day" to your side of your family :)

  6. So wonderful! Amazing job!

  7. so cute! Such a happy family. Happy father's day! Have a good weekend!


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