
Thursday 6 June 2013

Bento#June06A~Domo-kun Kyaraben

Today's weather was super HOT!!! So I have the idea of making umbrella or stay away from the heat ^_^ I bought some wholewheat bun, and decided to make egg mayo salad. One hard boiled egg and mashed then mixed with mayonnaise, cherry tomato and cucumber cut into tiny cubes. I filled in the egg salad into the wheat bun but you need to cut a hole and leave the top part for umbrella design.
I saw these squid analog just nice for Domokun designed ^_^ Freehand knife cut out the crabtick for mouth and sharp teeth. Lastly, punch out the nori for eyes using puncher. 
Honey cherry tomato hiding underneath the umbrella and the balance egg salad filled into the bunny silicon cup. Lastly, I did a leaf cucumber craving that I've learn from Japanese cooking you-tube. I hope you will like this Domo-kun Kyaraben snack ^_^ I can't wait for weekend....what about you? Cheers!


  1. Replies
    1. hehe...indeed yummy as my girl said :) Thanks Sannee!

  2. hahahh this bento is really funny! so cute! always love Domo kun's expression!

  3. тнайк чoμ_〆(・ω・。) Shirley!

  4. I love your Domo kuns :)!! This reminds me that I've never tired making Domo kun at all, I should give it a shot next time:).

    1. Aww... so sweet of you visit my blog n leave a comments! I'm so happy to received!! I always loved your creation ^_^ Thank you so much and I'm looking forward to your Domokun... surely awesome!

  5. This is gorgeous! Just saw it on Bento Blog Network. ^_^

    1. Thanks a lot Winnie ^_^ Yup...I uploaded today at Bento Blog Network :)

  6. I love them! Voting is going to be tough this week at Bento Blog Network!


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