
Monday 27 May 2013

Bento#May27~Strawberry Hello Kitty Head

Finally I've made strawberry onigiri that I always wanted to do ^_^ Instead of putting a girl face, I made Hello Kitty! Haha....can't helped it! Well, I just arranged whatever dishes that I've cooked for my family dinner. Not much choices in my freezer =_=" Looks like I need to go wet market tomorrow!!!
First, I shaped Hello Kitty onigiri using cling wrap and put aside. Next, mixed the rice with ketchup for strawberry head and shape it with cling wrap. In the middle try to pressed a hole so that HK onigiri can fits well in the middle part. Just use the cling wrap to avoid touching the rice or wears a plastic glove for combine the strawberry with HK. I used the cling wrap to do the makeover so that Strawberry HK Head looks natural ^_^
Before put the strawberry HK on the plate, I add one piece of plastic leave that I bought from bakery retail shop. Is very thin layer so it will easily stick on the onigiri. In this plate, I arranged french beans, potato, carrots, taiwanese sausages, kamaboko, spring roll, grapes and oranges.
Well, simple dinner meal and I hope you will like it ^_^ Cheers! 


  1. Looks beautiful! If I was running out of food in my fridge, the meals prepared wouldn't look as lovely as yours!

    1. awww....thank you so much for your sweet comments!

  2. I love the kamaboko! so cute and matches the kitty onigiri! nice dinner


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