
Friday 17 May 2013

Bento#May17~Hamburglar X Hello Kitty Dinner's Friday!!! Today's dinner meal I made Hamburglar X Hello Kitty Kyaraben for my daughter ^_^ She's so excited!! Anyway, I'm still not very good at Food Art. For those of you love to see more Food Art creation can visit Lee Samantha  blog! Just click her name as I've linked up.
Shape HK onigiri with HK rice mold. As for the body/hands, I used cling wrap to shape it. After done the onigiri, cut some nori strips and arrange to the onigiri body and hands. Next, arrange the HK head on the plate and followed by the body and the hands. Now can add the HK face details using HK face puncher. Next, add the red part crabstick. The yellow part I used cheese. As for the black bow also using nori to made :)
I tried to arranged broccoli as tree and carrot with mushroom as ground. The other sides, tomato fried eggs, steam fish meat, cherry tomato as roses and strawberries. Simple dinner kyaraben and I hope you will like it! Happy Weekend to all of you! Cheers!
Sharing the Hamburglar X Hello Kitty McDonald photo for you. Hugs!!!


  1. woot! i also have a set of HK from McD. Got them for free though. :)

    Love your McD HKs! so cute and so real! :)

    1. My hubby bought for his 宝贝女儿 collection! Hehe... so I try to make used of it! Dun hv to think just follow...
      Thanks for loving it!

  2. How cute! I only collected hambuglar kitty, don't really like the others.

    1. Oh.... my daughter likes the birdie x hk coz is PINK -_-||

  3. So cute! I haven't seen Hamburglar for ages since I was a kid!

  4. That is super cute and I think your food art is awesome!

    1. Aww... Thank you so much Rina! Your kind words means a lot to me!

  5. Replies
    1. 【Thank you】ヾ(・ω・`o)Sannee!


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