
Tuesday 7 May 2013

Bento#May07A~Let's Unite Our Hands & Hearts Together

Let's Unite our hands and hearts together!!! This is simple lesson that my kids learn when they were in kindergarden. I thought of making three children holding hands together with different races. Too bad I didn't have darker cheese for Indian races or else will be perfect ^_^
First, I made checker sandwich using Funbites Cube It cutter for white bread and charcoal bread. I spread peanut butter jam for the sandwich. On top of each child, I slice three cucumber and put cheese on top for face. The face I used cutter to cut out the cheese and freehand cut different hair style for each girl. I try to made Chinese, Malay and Indian girls. I don't have three different tone of cheese or else it will look better result! Anyway, I still managed to made it three girls unite hand in hand with loving hearts! 
For sides, I add some Korean strawberries and grapes. Some marshmallows and mini cupcakes. I hope you will like this simple idea and also can teach the little ones to care and love each other with a helping hands. Cheers!


  1. I love this, super cute and such a great lesson!:)

    1. Thank you so much Rina ^^ Glad that you love it!


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