
Tuesday 30 April 2013

Bento#April30~Bear Maki Sushi

I'm feeling better after good sleep and medication due to some feverish and flu. My son needs to be quarantine at home for a week due to influenza positive. He's fine today, just need rest and drinks plenty of water. Anyway, I still continue making bento for my girl as she needs to eat too right? I still able to cope with it so today I made simple Bear MakiSushi for her. 
The purple coloured was rice mixed with purple sweet potato that I mashed first then mixed. Before rolled add cooked sausage on top then rolled with nori. Next, add white rice then put the purple sausage rolled on top and rolled together ad Maki Sushi ^_^. Punch out nori for bear eyes/ears/mouth. Ths middle mouth was cheese using cutter to cut out. I made one happy bear and another one a bit sleepy bear :p
Cut out checker apple and add sweet sauce to sauce container. To view the method of cutting checker apple can go to the step by step at home page.
I hope you will like this cute bear makisushi bento. Cheers!



  1. Wow looks so cute :) really loves this simple bento, and going to try my own bento (◦ˆ ⌣ ˆ◦) thanks for sharing, i'm glad to found your blog; cheers, Fiona

    1. Aww... glad that you have found my blog too!


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