
Wednesday 24 April 2013

Bento#April24A~Sugarbunnies Bento

Today I bought some Mexico buns from bakery shop. Whenever we stop by the bakery shop, they sure will look for Mexico buns or red bean buns ^_^ I think I should learn how to made since they liked it so much! Haha....anyway, will post it when I successfully baked it!
So for my girl bento snack, I decorate "Sugarbunnies" on top of Mexico bun. I used sugarbunnies bread cutter to cut out the white breads. For Shirousa (White Bunny), I add nori for eyes/nose/mouth. Spread some strawberry chocolate for ears. For Kurousa (Brown bunny), I spread chocolate for the brown touch and add nori for eyes/nose/mouth. Strawberry spread for ears too!
Some strawberries, Cow strawberry cheese and Kit Kat Strawberry from Japan. I hope you will like this simple and cute Sugarbunnies bento snack! Cheers!
Oh I went to 100yens shop to collect my bento box for redemption member points. I choose this Kokeshi Bento Box! Loved it so much whenever I browse Bento & Co. website. By the way the 2013 International Contest already announced the 2 Grand winners! Congratulation! Also I want to congrats to Little Miss Onigiri from Shirley's blog that I saw her pretty Pooh's pasta bento was one of the 20 finalists! I've done my votes to you dear Shirley! 
I know my bento entry was way too far to fit in :p At least I've tried my best and joined in the fun. Did I submit?? Yes I did ^_^ l'll update my pasta bento contest post tomorrow for you all!


  1. Love the way you used chocolate spread to decorate the Sugarbunnies! I have two of those Kokeshi bento boxes too, they are so cute right.

    1. Yes they r so cute!!! I've another one Kokeshi bento box too(bought). Thank you for liking my idea :)

  2. I never know that 100 yen shop had member card point.. huhu...
    Must go there this weekend and ask them.. (^_^)

    1. oh....hope your side hv member card point ^_^ Cheers!


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