
Thursday 21 March 2013

Bento#March21~Powerpuff Girls "Blossom"

My girl requested "Blossom" from one of the Powerpuff girls character for her theme bento. She showed me the story book that she borrowed from her school library today. Since I've made "Blossom" before so why not?? 
I boiled crabstick and made egg sheets yolk mixed little bit of ketchup. First, I used cutter to cut cheese out for Blossom face. Take smaller circle cutter to cut crabstick white part for eyes and overlapped the red part then freehand nori scissor cut for black eyeballs. Just penknife cut the dress and hand as well as Blossom's hair. Freehand cut all the nori details. The shoes was crabstick white part using oval shape cutter then add nori for the details. From the closed up picture you can see some of the nori not evenly trim by freehand :p
So what to do with the eggwhites? I made tamagoyaki then decorate as flower ^_^ I add some red touch for it! Pretty right? Hehe....hope you like this ideas!
Blossom seem to admired the huge flower!!! Underneath, I made peanut butter sandwich again! Both of my kids never get bored with peanut butter :) 
One packet of waffles, some blueberries and strawberry.
Took the bento pictures together with Blossom doll and the story book that she borrowed ^_^ I hope you will like this Powerpuff girls "Blossom". Cheers! 

By the way, please click the links for great bento tools giveaways by Hellobee ! The contest will ends on midnight March 24th. Good Luck!
Bento of the Week


  1. This is so cute! Wow so much detail, amazing!

  2. This is CRAZY awesome! The amount of detail is incredible! :)

    1. Gosh....I'm touched! Thank you so much dear Michelle ^_^ Also thank you for visiting my blog :)

  3. Wow... your "Blossom" is AWESOME!!

    Can share with me what type of scissors are u using?

    1. Thank you so much Stephanie for the awesome comment!

      Sure, you can see the scissor from this link:


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