
Wednesday 6 March 2013

Bento#March07~Spongebob Squarepant

Meet Spongebob Squarepant ^_^ One of my kids favourite cartoon shows!! For bento snack, I'm making butter/kaya sandwich and create "Spongebob" character to match the bento box.
Instead of using egg sheet, I mashed the hard boiled egg yolk and mixed with mayo then spread evenly onto the sandwich. The white part for eyes and clothes were crab stick. The teeth was egg whites. Brown part was bread skin and freehand cut the nori for the details. As for the smiling muscle yellow part was mashed egg yolk that I shaped it :) Red tie was crab stick too! To get blue eyes, I crushed blue fondants and spread to crab stick. 
This is the sides: honey cherry tomato, marshmallows and waffles biscuit.

I hope you will like this theme bento ^_^ Cheers always!


  1. WOW, this is amazing and one of the cutest Sponge Bob I have seen!! Good to know that you can mashed egg yolk for yellow color 'cause I can never make egg sheets,hehe!

    1. Aww...I'm touched that my Spongebob bento can be one of your cutest! Yeah...thought for a change not to use egg sheet! Thanks!

  2. This is really good!!! must praise again here! Hehe. Love the idea of mayo and egg yolk!!

    1. Thank you thank you!!!! I'm honored to hear kind comments from you dear!

  3. The detail on your Spongebob is incredible!! you are such an amazing bento artist! :)

    1. Thank you so much Michelle for the lovely compliments! And I do liked ART so can bring it into my bento :)


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