
Thursday 31 January 2013

Bento#Jan35~Three bears

Today's lunch making "3 Bears" as one of them different :p Cooked fried rice for my kids and steamed some sweet potatoes to make little bears.
Poured the fried rice then add the little bears on top. Cut some cucumber and add nori for bear eyes and nose. Next, I used ribbon puncher to punch out the nori to add as male bear and female bear.
I soaked the hard boiled egg to ribena juice that I've removed from the bear mold. Perhaps soaked too long so it turn out purple :p Well, I cut half so each of my kids can have half bear face :) Add nori to bear eyes and nose but I forgot about the lips =_=" Some grapes for her with leave picks!
Simple lunch bento for my girl and I did make design for my son but it didn't turn out well that I supposed to make a lion and end up doesn't look like one :( so better don't post it here! Haha....  

Time: 2.30PM
Oh well, I decided to show you the unsuccessful Lion Bento for son. I did some editing with the photo :p
This is the original Lion Bento for my son. Looks totally weird as I should have make another sweet potatoes round ball for lion's head but I didn't =_=" Due to lack of time so forget it....
I spend too much time for lion's fur and totally forgot the mouth. When taking photos already knew weird but can't be help :( So, I tried to edit the lion's mouth. Much better right for the bottom photo!! But still should have change the theme as the hard boiled was BEAR and yet I tried to changed to LION just to make used of the sweet potatoes :) So weird!!!! Hahaha.....
My weird lion bento for my son. Oh well.....I'm not an expert....hope you all have fun looking at my photos and read my blog! Hugs!!


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