
Tuesday 29 January 2013

Bento#Jan32~Alice In Wonderland

I'm going to join the linky party for Happy 181st Birthday Lewis Carroll at BentoOnBetterLunches blogs for anything with Alice In Wonderland. I asked my girl to bring out her storybook to showed me the stories with pretty pictures! And I spotted one section of the pictures that I liked to used for this theme bento ^_^
I used charcoal bread to make the "Cheshire Cat". Freehand cut out the cheese for eyes and sprinkle crushed green and blue fondants then add nori for eyeballs. The cat lips and ears were made from charcoal bread skin. To stick the lips, I spread some hazelnut spread. Cut cheese for sharp teeth and add one by one. 
As for "Alice" It looks easy but a lot of work to do =_=" I just used toothpick to draw out Alice by looking at the picture and luckily didn't make mistake :p I try my luck to trace freehand so please don't follow my way :D It will definitely nicer if draw on baking sheet first then trace out :) 
These alphabets fondant pretty handy when you need to make sentence! So just dip some hazelnut strawberry spread and paste. I used small circle cutter to cut out the cheese and add the time :) No more space for rabbit so just used pick!
Some strawberry for dessert! I try to squeeze few character roles in this bento :D It turn out pretty well :)  
I do hope you all will like this "Alice in Wonderland" bento ^_^ If you like to see more bentos from other bloggers, please visit the link :) Cheers!


  1. Charcoal bread? Wow...something totally new for me:p. Everything came out great. Cool that even White Rabbit found an own place ^^.
    And "Alice" doesn't look like an easy work so I believe that it took a lot of time.

    1. Yeah...over here most of the bakery shop selling charcoal bread :) Thanks for your lovely compliment and visit my blog!
      Yes, "Alice" took more time about half an hour just for her!! gosh...but I enjoyed making it :)

  2. Simply love it, the bento looks like a storybook for me ^_^

  3. So much details. Excellent and beautiful bento!

    1. Thanks Shirley ^_^ Felt honor to hear from expert :)

  4. Wow love how you have created Alice!

    1. Thanks a lot Jean ^_^ After created...I loved Alice too :p


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