
Sunday 27 January 2013

Bento#Jan29~Busy Bees

It's Sunday!!! I'm a busy mummy every weekend as CNY (Chinese New Year) getting nearer and yet still have a lot of house chores to do.....gosh....never end =_=" Luckily my hubby helped out and my sweet girl helped too! As for my son....hmm....he did helped out to carried those unwanted stuff and no more :(
Today's lunch, kids requested "Man-tou" for their lunch so I'm making busy bees bento!! In this bento have steamed man-tou (two different flavours), sausages, egg sheet, fishball, some grapes and persimmons.
Busy bee make from sausage and cut few nori strips and sticks onto the sausage. I spread some mayo to the nori seaweed to stick properly. Use smiley face puncher to punch out the nori and add ketchup for bee cheeks ^_^ The wings are make from egg sheet by using mold cutter to cut out.
Arranged all the foods and add some bees picks! I hope you all have a great weekend with your family and loved ones ^_^ By the way, thank you so much for those who have voted my Totoro bento at Bento Blog Network. The Totoro & Hello Kitty bento has been chosen as Bento of the week ^_^ Hugs & Cheers!


  1. Cute set! "Man-tou" sounds really interesting...Has it always a sweet taste? Oh I sometimes have a huge problem with sticking nori but i can't use mayo :/. Maybe some another ideas for me?
    And of course...It's wonderful that your family helps you :p.

    1. Thanks! The "Man-tou" not sweet at all, similar to empty bun. Man-tou normally need to combined with other foods, jam or even curry for those who like spicy!
      As for nori, it depending on which food. Like sausage if can't use mayo, perhaps can try any sauce since the sausage already boiled cooked...example tomato ketchup etc.
      Hope this help as I'm not as expert than other bloggers but just based on my experience on food when I do my bentos!
      Looking forward your bento too! All so healthy! Cheers!

  2. So cute! Your nori strips are so tidy, well done!


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