
Tuesday 22 January 2013

Bento#Jan26~Hello Kitty Toast & Goofy Toast

I spend too much time on "Goofy" so making a quick one for my girl. Since she likes Hello Kitty, I'm making this toast bread & pretty easy!
Bottom is butter/kaya sandwich and the top one with Hello Kitty face is toasted hazelnut strawberry bread. How to make? I'm sure most of you already knew ^^ First, take two pieces of bread, used heart shape mold cutter to cut both pieces of bread. Spread your kids favourite jam or any fillings onto one piece of bread. The other piece used Hello Kitty mold cutter to pressed the image in the middle. Please take note: Don't cut through or pressed too hard as you just need the shape only.
Once you got the Hello Kitty image, cover on top of the spreaded jam bread then used mold to sealed the bread. Next, bring to oven toaster to toast for 3mins (Depends on your oven) As I'm using the small oven toaster :p But make sure keep on eye with the bread as you don't want to have a black kitty later!! hehehe....
After done, I just add some chocolate to the eyes & whiskers. As for the nose & ribbon, I spread some hazelnut strawberry.
Some Hello Kitty gummy candy that I bought from candy shop the other day. I'm surprised after open the gummy wrapper was Hello Kitty shape as I thought just the wrapper is Hello Kitty but inside might just normal oval shape gummy.  
Still have some space so I add edamame with lovely Hello Kitty picks attached. Hope you all can make this simple toast bread for your loved ones too! Hugs!
Here is the bento tools I've used ^_^ The heart shape mold, used for Hello Kitty Toast and the lucky leaf shape mold, I'm using it for my son's Goofy Toast.
 Well, everything the same except using different molds :) I don't have Goofy cookie cutter so can't pressed out the shape. Need to draw out and cut nori paste here and there....
Goofy make from cheese and nori/seaweed. I crushed some blue fondant then spread to Goody's hat. Pink fondant for Goofy's tongue. The rest of the details as you can see.....trimming and cutting job :)
Hope you will like my son's Goofy Toast bento too!! Cheers!   


  1. wow!! I like the Goofy Toast Bento very much!!

    I just wonder how you cut the nori so detail, quite much tiny parts there, so as the earlier Minnie Mouse In Love Bento....

    are you using scissor or craving knife? Hope I can learn more from you....:) I can only cut the "big" piece nori characters, hahaaaa....

    1. Thanks MomsLove In Bento ^_^
      I used trim eyebrow type of scissor to cut all the details. Perhaps used to it and most of the time I prefer freehand nori cut :p
      I'm sure u will master it when u practice it!

    2. thank you very much... I think I need to start practicing on this challenging nori cut, hehe.... not easy for us to be a good mum :P

  2. This is very nice! I really really salute you on your detail work on the nori. You able to cut them so nicely, freehand cut somemore!

    1. Thanks Yenn for the sweet compliments ^^


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