
Wednesday 9 January 2013

Bento#Jan09~Elmo & Cookie Monster Onigiri

Today school snack~Elmo & Cookie Monster~ Messy a bit for the cookie monster while arrange. No time to clean it so just leave it :p

I reheat the overnight cooked rice. Boiled some crab stick, carrots, edamame and star fishcake.
Take some of the cooked rice mixed with tomato ketchup. To shape it, I used plastic foil to shape elmo head. Next the eyes, also used the plastic foil to shape two small eyeballs then used small spaghetti strips to stick onto the head. (My girl knows when she ate the spaghetti, she will remove it.) Black eyeball used round dot puncher to cut the nori then stick to the white rice. Elmo nose used cooked carrot cut into oval shape. Freehand cut the nori for elmo mouth. Underneath Elmo, I put some cooked rice to the inari skin then add nori sprinkles. Put Elmo on top :)
Cookies Monster!!! Same way of making except the cooked rice mixed with blue pea flower color. The black eyeballs just make it silly for Cookie Monster. I tried to put Cookie Monster onto the inari rice properly but slightly touch the sprinkles so looks messy :( Oh well, after all she going to time to clean it! Rush rush rush....
I still have some roti-canai or indian pancake at my freezer so I'm making Spring Onion Eggroll with roti-canai. Boiled the star fishcake and arrange the edamame together with carrots. Slice some Persimmon then arrange it.
 I don't have the time to take picture for the step by step. The above photo was taken last year by making own pastry. Just skip the making pastry part by pan-fried the roti-canai first. Then continue step No. 4 by putting the cooked roti-canai on top of the egg then flip over to rolled. Perhaps some of you already know the making :) Pardon me for the poor photo taking :p
Hope you all will like my girl's bento lunch~Elmo & Cookie Monster~ onigiri ^_^ Cheers!  

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