
Monday 7 January 2013

Bento#Jan06~Snake & Bear snacks

My son born in snake year and this year is his year :D He really likes snake and even want it as a pet =_=" No way!!! But I can make bento for him. He likes it and said so cute! haha...
I used flower cutter shape the bread and added his favourite fillings. I make two flower breads and the top one I add the cute snake ^_^ The snake made from egg sheet and the tongue tomato skin. Add some nori for the highlight area. To make sure all stick well, I spread some jam/kaya. I don't have any cutter to cut the snake so mostly freehand  :p
Honey cherry tomato and mochi with pretty picks! I hope you too will like this snake bento :)
Now this is for my girl snack~Bears~ Just a simple bento and no special design :p
I make butter and kaya sandwich for her. The bread not big enough to cover nicely fit in the box but still can decorate it! The ears, I used the bread skin and the eyes underneath the nori was cheese. Nose and mouth also cheese. Crab stick for cheeks.
This mochi I add corns for ears. Eyes and mouth used puncher to cut the nori. Cheeks are made from crab stick.
Hope you all will like these two bento snacks ^_^ Cheers! 

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